The Adoration of the Magi altarpiece from the San Nazaro Maggiore Basilica in Milan has arrived at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage on 15 March 2022 for study and restoration. Coordinated by the Périer-D’Ieteren Foundation since 2017, this project finally got off the ground thanks to the support of the King Baudouin Foundation (René & Karin Jonckheere Fund and Jean-Jacques Comhaire Fund) and the Soprintendenza of Milan.
The altarpiece is currently undergoing a series of tests prior to restoration. The conservation treatment is set to start after the first meeting of the Italian-Belgian scientific committee in late April. While the altarpiece is being restored at the Royal Institute, an in-depth art historical study of this Brussels work, attributed to the Borman dynasty of sculptors, will be carried out. A detailed monograph on the art historical context, execution techniques and restoration will be published at the close of the project.