Doctoral thesis fellowship

714 343 Sacha Zdanov

The Foundation awards a doctoral fellowship for research in the field of European Art History of the 14th-18th centuries or in the field of Conservation-Restoration of European Art (14th-18th centuries) in a practical, critical or historical approach. This one-year scholarship will be renewable three times. Application formApplication deadline: 1 March 2025Announcement of results: 30 June…

Study Day “Cultural Crossroads” / Call for papers

1024 741 Sacha Zdanov

Cultural Crossroads: Artistic Encounters between the Low Countries and Spain, 15th-17th Centuries. I.- Flemish Paintings in Spain (Brussels, 24 November 2023) III. Echoes of Flemish Sculpture in Spain from Gothic to Baroque Since 2020, the Moll Institute (Madrid) and the Fondation Périer-D’Ieteren (Brussels) have been conducting a research program aimed at identifying and studying the…

Launch of the Flemish Art in Spain Database

1024 569 Sacha Zdanov

The Fondation Perier-D’Ieteren and the Instituto Moll are pleased to invite you to the online launch of the Flemish Art in Spain Database. Discover this innovative platform dedicated to the study and cataloguing of Southern Netherlandish art from the 15th to the 17th centuries in Spanish collections. More info on the Instituto website and the Foundation website. To receive the access link, please…

Study Day « Cultural Crossroads »

1024 512 Sacha Zdanov

Cultural Crossroads. Artistic Encounters between the Low Countries and Spain, 15th-17th Centuries. II- Woven Pictures (Madrid, 8 November 2024) Cultural-Crossroads2_poster *** PROGRAMME and INSCRIPTIONS* * * Since 2020, the Moll Institute (Madrid) and the Périer-D’Ieteren Foundation (Brussels) have been conducting a research program aimed at identifying and studying the art that developed in the Low…

New publication

790 1024 Sacha Zdanov

S. Zdanov, X. Wasilewski & W. Frère (eds), Penser l’œuvre d’art de la création à la restauration. Mélanges offerts à Catheline Périer-D’Ieteren à l’occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire, Cahiers d’études des Annales d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie 12, Bruxelles, Éditechnart, 2024, 471 pages, 50,00€. ISBN 978-2-9603538-0 This volume pays tribute to Catheline Périer-D’Ieteren, member of…

Jan Bruegel l'Ancien

Call for applications : Spring 2024 grants and subsidies

1024 628 Sacha Zdanov

The four calls for applications for spring 2024 have just opened! 1° Publication grants Each year, the Foundation awards a grant either for the publication of a doctoral thesis or for a publication that represents a significant advance in the fields of European art history (14th-18th centuries), conservation-restoration or visual arts technology. 2° Aid for…

Publication : Annales d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie 45 (2023)

850 979 Sacha Zdanov

The latest volume of Annales d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie has just been published, featuring seven previously unpublished scientific articles on a variety of subjects from the 15th to the 19th centuries. The volume is on sale for €20 (excluding postage). You can also take out an annual subscription for €17.50. For more information, please…

Completion of the restoration of the Altarpiece of the Adoration of the Magi

980 653 Sacha Zdanov

From 12 December 2023 to 7 January 2024, the sculpture of the Magus Balthazar will be on display at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) to celebrate the completion of the restoration of the altarpiece of theAdoration of the Magi in the church of San Nazaro Magiore in Milan. Educational panels will present the work,…

Call for applications \ Doctoral Fellowship

714 343 Sacha Zdanov

Applications for the 2024 Doctoral Fellowship are now open. Applications must be received by 13 February 2024.

New funding

714 343 Sacha Zdanov

From 2023 onwards, the Fondation Périer-D’Ieteren will allocate €50,000 each year to one or more projects for the acquisition, conservation, restoration or valorisation of a work (15th-18th centuries) intended for or belonging to a Belgian public or religious institution. The project must demonstrate the artistic or historical value of the work and must clearly highlight…