Late-Gothic sculpted altarpieces of the Atlantic Basque Country / Jesús Muñiz, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / University of the Basque Country
This doctoral thesis offers a group study of several late-Gothic sculpted altarpieces found in the coastal areas of the Basque Country. A dozen altarpieces or fragments of altarpieces will be analysed with respect to their structure and architecture, the style of their sculpture and their polychromy techniques, as well as their iconography. This study, carried out with the support of the Périer-D’Ieteren Foundation, will enable Jesús Muñiz to present an initial synthesis of the overall characteristics of these late-Gothic works and their stylistic and technical developments immediately before the advent of Renaissance art.
Illustration: Altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin in the Lekeitio basilica (source: Wikimedia).