Preliminary study for the conservation-restoration of the Christ of Engis in the Grand Curtius in Liège
The Christ of Engis (Liège, Grand Curtius) is a major element of the 14th-century sculpted heritage of the Mosan region. It is part of a small group of high-quality works executed by a sculptor known as Maître de la Vierge de La Gleize. Unfortunately, the sculpture had been completely disfigured by a recent polychrome coating. The Périer-D’Ieteren Foundation is supporting the preliminary study leading to the conservation-restoration of the work, which would allow it to be shown in exhibition halls. The objective is to determine the extent of the original polychromy under the overpaint to consider the latter’s removal if it is proven that a sufficient percentage of the original has been preserved. The stylistic quality of the Christ of Engis justifies this initiative.

Christ of Engis, Liège, Grand Curtius / Detail.